Frequently Asked Questions: Judah Soccer Association
1. How old can players be to play soccer?
Player age eligibility is determined by the Georgia Soccer Birth Year Chart. Divisions range from U4 to U19. For more details, refer to the Birth Year Chart under the registration tab.
2. How do I know which age group my child will play in?
Players are grouped by their birth year as required during registration. Age groups are designated as U-6, U-8, U-10, U-12, and so on:
- U-6 (Under 6): 4- and 5-year-olds
- U-8 (Under 8): 6- and 7-year-olds
- Players may play up in an age group (e.g., a 6-year-old in U-8) but cannot play down (e.g., an 8-year-old in U-6).
Refer to the Birth Year Chart under the registration tab for clarification.
3. When is the soccer season?
Judah Soccer operates two seasons annually:
Fall Season:
- Registration: June
- Practices: Begin in August
- Games: Start the first weekend in September and run for approximately 10 weeks
Spring Season:
- Registration: December
- Practices: Begin in February
- Games: Start the first weekend in March and run for approximately 10 weeks
4. Are all games played on Saturdays?
While most games are held on Saturdays, some may take place between Sunday and Friday. Practices are typically scheduled for either:
- Monday & Wednesday or
- Tuesday & Thursday.
5. What equipment is required to play?
- Shin Guards: Mandatory for practices and games. They must be made of approved material (no homemade guards).
- Cleats: Optional but recommended; players can also wear regular tennis shoes.
- Uniforms: Provided by the coach after team formation.
6. What are the JSA field rules?
To ensure a safe and respectful environment, the following rules apply:
- Do not hang on goals, nets, or climb fences.
- Abusive or vulgar language is strictly prohibited.
- No pets allowed.
- No personal golf carts.
- No golfing.
- No glass containers.
- No alcohol consumption (authorities may be called if necessary).
- No smoking or tobacco use, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, vaporizing devices, or e-cigarettes.
Violation of these rules may result in being asked to leave the property.
For additional information, please visit our website or contact us directly.